with Joe Clements


Half Day Meditation Retreat

Nov 20th, 2022


The day will be sprinkled with:

✩Guided meditation practices.

✩Movement & connection with community. 

✩Dharma talks by Joe.

✩Q&A and time to reflect on your meditation practice. 

$30 Registration Fee + Dana (Donation) to Joe

If the registration fee is prohibitive for you, please email info@josephclements.com and we will get you registered.


At times we come into the practice of mindfulness with goals, we want to fix, get rid of, get more of… something, anything, anything to not feel the way we do. We want this to work!

You may have felt a little peace and ease in your practice and you want more or expect your experience to always bring that peace and ease. Or maybe it’s something that you’ve tried but “it doesn’t work for you… you can’t do it”. Practice becomes a craving and with craving comes suffering.

When we ease into our practice and meet ourselves right where we are, within the whole mess of our internal experience, we can begin to let go first by just letting be.

We can then rest in the heart of our practice. Rest in the knowing that just by taking time to learn how to show up for ourselves in a different way, we are naturally cultivating our innate heart qualities - kindness, compassion, joy and balance.

At this half day retreat we will explore practices and Tools to relate to life from a calmer, kinder and more compassionate way.


Take time with community to practice trauma informed, therapeutic mindfulness skills that will encourage the nervous system to calm and invite you to find a place within your direct experience to rest.